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Latinos In Transit (LIT) invites you to nominate yourself and your agency for a prestigious LIT Award. Celebrate your achievements and contributions to the transit community at this year's Leadership Summit. Don't miss this opportunity to be recognized for your excellence and impact.

Deadline to Submit: August 2, 2024

Nomination Forms

Transit Agency of the Year Award

The Transit Agency of the Year award recognizes a public agency that shows exemplary performance in efficiency, effectiveness, and growth, particularly in efforts to foster diversity within the transit agency. The agency actively supports and contributes to LIT’s mission of advocating for equity, diversity and inclusion by enabling the development and advancement of Latinos and other minorities into positions of influence in the industry.

Here are the key points for consideration:

Eligibility Criteria:

● Nominee must be a LIT member in good standing.

● Submissions must be completed by the deadline of August 2, 2024.

● Nomination covers achievements during the one-year period of 2023.

Why Should the System be Considered?

● Provide an overview of the system's achievements in 2023 in fostering a more diverse and equitable workforce, particularly in advancing Latino and other minority individuals into upper-level positions. (20 Points)

● Justify why the system is deserving of the award based on its actions and accomplishments. (20 Points)

Evaluation Criteria:

Access: Demonstrated outreach efforts beyond ADA prescribed areas, including partnerships with municipalities and community organizations targeting Latino and minority populations. Suggested addition: Demonstrated efforts to implement solutions to bolster accessibility of hearing, visual, intellectual or other disabilities. (10 points)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Showcase of mission, strategies, policies, or practices fostering a diverse workforce, promoting an inclusive and equity-focused culture internally and in engagements with vendors, customers, and communities. Emphases should also focus on supporting small business vendors that are minority-owned. (20 points)

Customer Service: Methods employed to enhance value and service to non-English speaking riders, including handling and resolution of customer complaints. (10 Points)

Sustainability/Environmental Impact: Initiatives aimed at increasing sustainability within the organization and the Latino and minority communities it serves. (10 Points)

Workforce: Efforts in recruiting Latino and minority workforces, as well as ensuring a well-trained workforce is capable of meeting future needs. Employing and supporting a diverse leadership team. (20 Points)

Marketing: Development of effective marketing tools targeting Latino and minority communities to retain and attract riders  (10 points)

Community Relations: Promotion of positive community relations and contributions to creating a more livable community for Latino and minority populations. (10 Points)

Supporting Documentation:

● Detailed documentation supporting achievements in each of the areas. (2 pages)

● 2 additional pages, per area, of attachments, such as news articles, recommendations, or testimonials are allowed to further bolster the nomination.

Transit of the Year Nomination Form

Small Business Member of the Year Award

Latinos In Transit (LIT) is committed to enhancing its collaboration with small businesses to advance its mission. The award recognizes a small business that shows dedicated commitment to supporting the transportation industry and is actively engaged in supporting LIT’s mission. This year, the focus is on recognizing one entity representing one of four socioeconomic categories: Small Disadvantaged, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone), and Women-Owned small businesses.

Eligibility Criteria:

● Nominee must be a LIT member in good standing.

● Submissions must be completed by the deadline of August 2, 2024.

● Nomination encompasses work and achievements in the one-year period of 2023.

Evaluation Criteria:

● Historical Narrative: Detail the history of the business and its socioeconomic category. (20 Points)

● Projects: Provide an overview of public transportation projects the agency has contributed to, with an emphasis on projects benefiting underserved communities. (20 Points)

● Relation: Explain how these projects align with LIT's mission and benefit its members, with emphasis on results and mission accomplishments. (20 Points)

● Accomplishments: Highlight accolades or recognitions received by the business over the past five years. (20 Points)

● Diversity, Inclusion and Equity: Showcase efforts to promote diversity, inclusion, and equity internally and in engagements with vendors, customers, and communities. (20 Points)

Small Business Member of the Year Nomination Form

Member of the Year Award

This award honors a Latinos In Transit Individual Member who has made significant contributions to the public transportation industry and strongly supports Latinos In Transit and its members. The individual is a self-motivator who demonstrates a willingness for self improvement and positively impacts others. This member shows a clear commitment to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within the transportation industry and community.  

Eligibility Criteria:

● Nominee must be a LIT member in good standing.

● Submissions must be completed by the deadline of August 2, 2024.

● Nomination covers work and achievements during the one-year period of 2023.

  • Nominee may be self-nominated or nominated by someone.

Evaluation Criteria

● Supporting the Mission of LIT: Provide an overview of the nominees contributions and efforts in 2023 in promoting the mission of LIT. (20 Points)

● Impact: Explain how membership with LIT has impacted the person personally and professionally  (20 Points)

● Justification: Justify why the nominee is deserving of the award based on their actions and accomplishments,  with an emphasis on fostering diversity within an organization and the industry; creating opportunities for Latinos and other minorities; enabling sustainable, equitable and accessible practices/initiatives. (20 Points)

● Letter of Support: Provide a letter of support that backs your nominee in this category and outlines efforts displayed by the candidate to promote the mission of LIT. (10 Points)

Supporting Documentation:

● Detailed documentation supporting achievements in each of the areas. (20 Points)

● 2 additional pages, per area, of attachments, such as news articles, photographs, previous awards/recognitions or testimonials, are allowed to further bolster the nomination.(10 Points)

Member of the Year Nomination Form


P.O. Box 4382

Covina, Ca.  91723-4382

Tel: (626) 495-1548

LIT is a non-profit 501(c) organization

TAX ID - 36-4826809

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